There are so many forms of malpractice it would be impossible to itemize every category. Each case is unique, with its own distinctive imprint. That is why we customize our approach to your case: scour medical records, confer with medical experts, prepare timelines of what took place during treatment, strategize the approach, story board the formal presentation to opposing counsel and the jury. One size will never fit all; we will listen closely to you, study the details and provide smart, fresh advocacy. At the Dennehy Law Firm, you can trust our dedication to holding those at fault accountable for their negligence.
These are some cases we’ve handled and our results.
Spine and Brain Injuries:
$9,600,000 jury verdict for a spinal epidural abscess, resulting in permanent partial paraplegia; two Emergency Room doctors who ignored a patient’s complaints of profound pain and that he couldn’t move his legs until it was too late.
$2,000,000 jury verdict for a failure to diagnose a spinal epidural abscess which resulted in paraplegia and grievous pain, confining a wife and mother to wheelchair for the rest of her life.
$4,500,000 for toxic encephalopathy, brain injury, suffered by two artists who were exposed to fumes from mislabeled chemicals, ending their prominent careers
$900,000 for an Emergency Department’s mix-up of EKG results, resulting in wrongful death
Birth and Obstetrical Injuries:
$3,900,000 | settlement for brain injury of newborn whose defect was not recognized and treated in utero before delivery |
$2,000,000 | jury verdict for Erb’s palsy, a nerve injury caused by pulling on an infant’s head during delivery |
$2,200,000 | jury verdict for a mild Erb’s palsy caused by unnecessary traction on the infant’s head during delivery |
$2,300,000 | jury verdict for Erb’s palsy suffered due to failure to anticipate narrow pelvis and performing unnecessary traction on the neck |
$500,000 | settlement for emotional distress regarding stillbirth, as a result of doctor’s failure to instruct mother to count kicks |
$200,000 | settlement for emotional distress caused by stillbirth of term infant |
$1,000,000 | jury verdict for botched obstetrical surgery |
$600,000 | settlement during trial when the obstetrician took the Fifth Amendment during cross examination for failure to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy |
$2,000,000 | settlement during jury selection for failing to inform parents of correct genetic findings |
Spinal injuries:
$2,600,000 | misdiagnosis of Parkinson’s as a brain tumor |
$1,100,000 | settlement for nerve damage from negligent spinal epidural injection |
$1,400,000 | settlement during trial for wrongful death a woman in her 60’s |
Other cases:
$1,500,000 | failure to inform a patient of abnormal test results |
$1,000,000 | for failing to diagnose necrotizing fasciitis and failing to properly treat it, resulting in wrongful death |
$800,000 | for wrongful death of premature infant given wrong formula resulting in necrotizing fasciitis of bowel |
$400,000 | settlement for failing to properly treat necrotizing fasciitis |
$500,000 | for psychologist malpractice |
$500,000 | settlement for medication overdose resulting in wrongful death |
$250,000 | medication error with alteration of records |
$500,000 | settlement during trial for failure to diagnose breast cancer |
$500,000 | jury verdict for failure to timely diagnose a bowel obstruction |
$750,000 | settlement for personal injuries |
$700,000 | settlement for negligent breast reduction |
$500,000 | verdict for negligent facelift |
$490,000 | settlement for plastic surgery |
$200,000 | settlement for burns to breast during augmentation surgery |
$250,000 | misreading pathology slides as thyroid cancer and informing the patient that she had aggressive cancer |
$500,000 | verdict against ENT who removed healthy nasal tissue during sinus surgery, resulting in empty nose syndrome |
$375,000 | empty nose syndrome injury |
$350,000 | nursing home negligence |
$400,000 | nursing home negligence resulting in wrongful death |
$175,000 | nursing home negligence resulting in bedsores |
$400,000 | Pathology failure to correctly read breast cancer slides |